Sunday, November 29, 2009

Picture of the Week Award ~ November 28, 2009

The picture of the week is of Asher by Paul Pham. The photographer is Karine from Fleurdelys Shop in France.

Karine says that this Asher is beautiful, very versatile and that her body is one of the most realistic of the 16" dolls. She loves taking pictures. She believes that Paul Pham's dolls and the Sybarites are the very best of this hobby. They pose easily and lend themselves well to all types of photography.

This image is perfection in every way. The lighting is soft and flattering; the composition draws the viewer gently to the doll's eyes. The fact that the doll is drop dead gorgeous can't be denied.

If you would like to see more of Karine's work, here are several links for you:
Doll Shop

Congratulations, Karine, on the Picture of the Week Award.