Friday, October 9, 2009

Stunning in the Spotlight Barbie Doll

"Stunning in the Spotlight" is the last Barbie Silkstone of 2009. Here is what the BC.Com site says about this doll:
The "Since 1959" Collection commemorates famed vintage fashions, re-invented for a new era! Barbie® doll is always the dramatic, superlative star! Stunning in the Spotlight™ Barbie® Doll is ready for her close up in a re-creation of the 1960's Solo in the Spotlight® fashion with a modern twist.
I was going to buy every Silkstone that was issued in 2009 because of the anniversary but I'm passing on this one. Not because she's not pretty, she is very pretty, but because of the price...$161.96!
She will not be mine.